Subject: Re: keeping sysctl documentation in sync.
To: matthew green <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/12/2004 08:53:47
>	- put the docs in the kernel but in it's own unloaded section
>	and teach sysctl(8) to look in machdep.booted_kernel|/netbsd
>	(etc.) to find it.

if someone has an example of how to put a c asciiz string into a
read-only section that's not loaded, please show me.  i really don't
think making sysctl into a semi-kernel groveler is a bright idea, but
who am i to judge?

since i can see we're going to do *something* about this, i'll resume
making up the descriptions as best i can, and committing them.  so
that we have them.  arguably, it's better than nothing.

yes, the description for kern.pipe.nbigpipes (Number of "big" pipes)
is a little weak, but there isn't really space for a digression on
what a big pipe actually is.  nor is there a man page that touches on

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