Subject: keeping sysctl documentation in sync.
To: None <>
From: matthew green <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/11/2004 20:46:19
hi folks.

so, there needs to be a way to export the in-kernel documentation text.
ideally, the documentation should also reference the manual that provides
the more-than-short description (if required, for eg, kern.securelevel.)

initially, i had some ideas:

	- cpp magic (not sure how this would work yet)

	- something like the method aymeric posted: some structured
	C comment above the sysctl create operation.

	- put the docs in the kernel but in it's own unloaded section
	and teach sysctl(8) to look in machdep.booted_kernel|/netbsd
	(etc.) to find it.

i guess references have to be done via the full text name, eg
"kern.securelevel".  we obviously can't use the mib numbers, and i
guess we can't use the macro definitions of the numbers because newer
ones don't *have* them, right?

please discuss.  i'm not attached to any of my ideas except the subject
line.  :-)
