Subject: Re: Prototype kernel continuation-passing for NetBSD
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/31/2004 12:41:28
(probably a bit late, but stumbled across this thread while reading the
below book)
wrs wrote:
> Interesting. Do you have any recomended reading for those of us who aren't
> familiar with continuations? :-)
Besides the short & very precise description by Lennart and the article
cited by Uwe, the book "Unix Internals: The New Frontier" by Uresh Vahalia
contains a chapter on continuations and how the are implemented in Mach
that might be useful reading.
They key seems to be keeping/having/storing enough state that the function
called upon return can continue where it left off before the call.
- Hubert
Hubert Feyrer <>