Subject: Portuguese keymap
To: None <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/02/2004 19:06:44
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Hello all.
In behalf of the NetBSD Portuguese community I'm here to ask about Portuguese keymap integration in NetBSD kernel. Is there anyone in charge of doing it, or a normal developer is enough to commit the PR ?
The PR I'm talking about is located here:
It was submitted in October 2003 (not long ago) by Antonio Marques <froz at icix dot org>. So from what I can see in wskbdmap_mfii.c (it was last changed in 2003/04/23) I guess its farly easy to implement this modification since the PR has all you'll need. 
I don't understand quite well why it wasn't already commited into the CVS tree.
I know this is a low priority problem but we (the Portuguese community) would appreciate a lot that this commited (having a Portuguse keymap in NetBSD 2.0 would attract more Portuguese users). 

Thanks in advance,
	Rui Paulo and the Portuguese NetBSD community

P.S.: There are also Portuguese keyboards for Dreamcast :)


  "Simplicity is the ultimate 
    -- Leonardo da Vinci      

goteki at pixeloverflow dot com | \
    [g|n]awk '{ gsub(/ dot /,".") }; { gsub(/ at /,"@") } END { print }'

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