Subject: Re: atppc(4) is misnamed
To: None <>
From: Gary Thorpe <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/06/2004 13:46:27
 --- Ben Harris <> wrote: 
> This is a trivial issue, but it'll irritate me forever if I don't
It's not so much the inaccuracy that bothers me
> as
> the fact that someone was clearly trying to be clever in naming the
> device
> and _got it wrong_.

What bother me is that the person who "tried to be clever" asked this
list what an appropriate name would be and got back 'atppc'. I think
pcppc was suggested but the overall response was that atppc was better
for whatever reason. You could have named it "right" if you had done
the work and had to make a trivial decision. If trying to be clever
involves asking what an appropriate name is, then I suppose the namer
is guilty as charged.

And this person who was trying to be clever's copyroght isn't even on
the files (in NetBSD's CVS) that he modified significantly from the
FreeBSD ppc(4) driver, so I don't think he cares much for your comments
or what NetBSD decide to name it.

> FreeBSD calls this device "ppc", and OpenBSD doesn't seem to have
> ppbus at
> all, so I don't think there's any compatibility issue here.
> -- 
> Ben Harris                                                  
> <>
> Portmaster, NetBSD/acorn26          