Subject: Re: trouble getting bus_dma(9) to work on a new port
To: None <>
From: Jochen Kunz <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/22/2003 00:53:12
On 2003.08.21 22:12 Juergen Hannken-Illjes wrote:

> As error = 79 is EFTYPE (Inappropriate file type or format) and you
> get `no file system for tlp0', do you have `file-system NFS' in your
> config? `options NFS_BOOT_DHCP,NFS_BOOT_BOOTPARAM' should be present
[jkunz@SirTobie conf]$ grep NFS PSIINOSCSI 
file-system     NFS             # Network file System client
file-system     KERNFS          # /kern
options         NFSSERVER       # Network File System server
options         NFS_BOOT_DHCP   # Support DHCP NFS root

As the messages from tulip.c (I enabled TLP_DEBUG) indicate: The kernel
tries to setup the interface and send packets, but they never get onto
the wire. 

Also: When I boot a kernel with SCSI support it hangs when the scsi bus
is scanned due to non-working PCI DMA. 

