Subject: Re: how can kernel space expand to >1GB?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/31/2003 20:04:01
[quoting order normalized -dM]
>>> netbsd does have an config option to split kernel/user space to
>>> 1G/3G as linux does. This option exists for every platform.
>> That sounds..doubtful, at least. For example, on the VAX, the
>> architecture simply does not permit more than 2G of per-process VM.
> sorry, I mean for the modern 32-bit processors.
Indeed. And the VAX is not modern, then?
What is the config option for the SPARC? Or is it not `modern'?
What about the Alpha, what's the option there? Or is that not modern
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