Subject: Re: eToken hardware token key; how to use it?
To: Greywolf <>
From: Lennart Augustsson <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/17/2003 11:27:29
Well, we know that it uses a proprietary protocol. :)
Maybe you can find something out by asking AKS?

    -- Lennart

Greywolf wrote:

>So I have this little USB dongle (that word just sounds so perverted,
>man; what was the guy thinking who came up with this?) which, when
>plugged into my USB port shows up as:
>ugen0: AKS eToken R2 2241, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 2
>Do we know *anything* about these things?  Could it be used as a reference
>key for, say, cgd, such that if it is not plugged in, the cgd is
>unreadable, or as a cross-hash for same?  Or is this just a cute little
>toy that lights up when I plug it in -- which, as it happens, it does?
>				--*greywolf;
>                 A _Real_ Operating System for _Real_ Hackers.
>                   ______ _   __     __  ____ _____ ____
>                  ______ / |_/ /__  / /_/ __ ) ___// __ \
>                 ______ /  |/ / _ \/ __/ __  \__ \/ / / /
>                ______ / /|  /  __/ /_/ /_/ /__/ / /_/ /
>               ______ /_/ |_/\___/\__/_____/____/_____/
>	 With many thanks to the NetBSD development team and UCB CSRG.
>			1993-2003 and still going!