Subject: Re: Using Etherboot ELF/FreeBSD loader to netboot ELF/NetBSD
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/28/2003 19:25:52
> > c) agree about adding some standard mark to NetBSD kernels so it can be
> > detected if it's NetBSD or FreeBSD. then i can add support for etherboot.
> >
> > i will be happy with C - so NetBSD will be bootable with etherboot "out of
> > the box"
> Yes, c) is the best, and it will help all architectires.
so - i'm waiting for any decision about how it will be marked and they
will finally send a patch to etherboot maintainer.
(now i scan for "NetBSD foundation" string ;)