Subject: Re: machine-independent cycle counter based microtime()
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Greywolf <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 01/21/2003 13:36:24
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Jonathan Stone wrote:

[JS: >You didn't read (or at least you did not quote) the second part of my
[JS: >suggestion which was that "micro" perhaps ought to be viewed as meaning
[JS: >"small", i.e., "subsecond" in the context of time.  So it's nanoseconds,
[JS: >now.
[JS: Balderdash.  Our microtime is, in fact,
[JS: 	microtime(struct timeval *tv)


[JS: not some blithering hypothetical abstract `high-resolution'' interface.
[JS: I'm suggesting that, if we are cleaning up high-resolution timekeeping,
[JS: that we start implementing
[JS: 	void nanotime(struct timespec *)

That change from timeval to timespec was not made clear in your
original reply.  Sorry.

[JS: [or perhaps even a struct-returning function, since ANSI C has
[JS: supported those for years].

That's (can_of_worms (*(**)())[UINT64_MAX]) another;

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