Subject: Re: Small scheduler tweak for MP systems
To: enami tsugutomo <>
From: Jason R Thorpe <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 01/14/2003 23:11:22
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline

On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 10:27:24AM +0900, enami tsugutomo wrote:

 > Is changing the test in resetpriority() from against p->p_usrpri to
 > p->p_priority correct?

Good catch.  I'll apply the following patch.

        -- Jason R. Thorpe <>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=prio-patch

Index: kern_synch.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/kern/kern_synch.c,v
retrieving revision 1.120
diff -c -r1.120 kern_synch.c
*** kern_synch.c	2003/01/12 01:48:56	1.120
--- kern_synch.c	2003/01/15 07:10:12
*** 920,926 ****
  static __inline void
! resched_proc(struct proc *p)
  	struct cpu_info *ci;
--- 920,926 ----
  static __inline void
! resched_proc(struct proc *p, u_char pri)
  	struct cpu_info *ci;
*** 947,953 ****
  	 * sched state, which we currently do not do.
  	ci = (p->p_cpu != NULL) ? p->p_cpu : curcpu();
! 	if (p->p_priority < ci->ci_schedstate.spc_curpriority)
--- 947,953 ----
  	 * sched state, which we currently do not do.
  	ci = (p->p_cpu != NULL) ? p->p_cpu : curcpu();
! 	if (pri < ci->ci_schedstate.spc_curpriority)
*** 996,1002 ****
  	if ((p->p_flag & P_INMEM) == 0)
! 		resched_proc(p);
--- 996,1002 ----
  	if ((p->p_flag & P_INMEM) == 0)
! 		resched_proc(p, p->p_priority);
*** 1014,1020 ****
  	newpriority = PUSER + p->p_estcpu + NICE_WEIGHT * (p->p_nice - NZERO);
  	newpriority = min(newpriority, MAXPRI);
  	p->p_usrpri = newpriority;
! 	resched_proc(p);
--- 1014,1020 ----
  	newpriority = PUSER + p->p_estcpu + NICE_WEIGHT * (p->p_nice - NZERO);
  	newpriority = min(newpriority, MAXPRI);
  	p->p_usrpri = newpriority;
! 	resched_proc(p, p->p_usrpri);
