Subject: Re: wedges vs. not-quite-wedges, was > 1T filesystems, disklabels,
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/19/2002 17:08:33
On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> In message <Pine.NEB.4.33.0212191553170.9004-100000@vespasia.home-net.internetc
>>Bill Studenmund writes
> >So what exactly is wrong with an LVM? Have you used one?
> Yes, I have. From early AIX to Veritas. There's no call to be
> insulting; What you propose is a subset of an LVM, and LVMs dont
> really solve the issues I've brought up.
I'm sorry, I am NOT proposing a subset of an LVM.
I am proposing extending our partitioning methodology to support
partitions coming from different partitioning schemes.
While I'd love for us to have an LVM, and I think we should, I think the
logical volumes of an LVM are different beasties from partitions, and as
such neither the partitioning stuff I'm describing nor wedges will do for
i.e. either we have a full-blooded LVM running the disk, or we don't. :-)
Sorry if I was insulting.
> As I've said, several times now: you and I are focused on *different
> problems*; your solutions seem, from my perspective, to make my
> problems signficantly *worse*.
> I havent yet seen any substantive answer to the following scenarios:
I think they might have crossed in private mail.
> > * Suppose I have a CF with an MS-dos filesystem that I'd like to
> > mount on-the-fly (via a pcmia slot or a USB reader). Pretend its from
> > a digital camera, if it helps.
> >
> > * Mounting other Uni* filesystems. I've seen a number of NetBSD developers
> > using multiboot systems with both NetBSD and other OSes. Some are folks
> > like darrenr, who target FreeBSD in addition to NetBSD; I've also seen
> > comments from people with employer-provided laptops running FreeBSD or
> > Linux, with NetBSD in a `spare' partition.
> Could you clarify just how your proposal addreses these cases? If
> static (boot-time) case is different from hot-swap media, how does
> each work?
At boot, we itterate over all disks in the system. We read them for
different disklabel types, and find partitions. We add them to a struct
diskpart (a new disklabel-replacing structure). When we have found
everything (or found 255 user ones), we shove the diskpart into the
We then listen for disk-insert events. When a disk is inserted, we read it
for partitions as above.
> Or if some or all of these scenarios are all ``future work'',
> to be addressed when we have kernel-to-user/user-to-kernel event
> notification in place, could that be stated upfront?
Said event framework is in, AFAICT.
Take care,