Subject: Re: > 1T filesystems, disklabels, etc
To: Klaus Heinz <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/15/2002 14:41:37
On Sun, 15 Dec 2002, Klaus Heinz wrote:

> Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
> > > c) amigaPart. Grabs like 16 partitions (I think that's an ok #) and fills
> > > them in like now.
> >
> > That's what the current code does anyway, and I think the number is ok, too.
> Maybe I'm an exception to the rule but I _did_ bump into the limit of
> 16 partitions on NetBSD/amiga (AmigaOS, 2x NetBSD, Debian for testing)
> as well as on i386 (NetBSD, FreeBSD, Windows + rescueWindows, would like
> to add some Linux).
> On x86 I do not _have_ to add all partitions to the disklabel but I
> I often found I left out those partitions I later found a need for.

Note: with what I was suggesting, while the NetBSD disklabel would only
grab 16 partitions, the other 47 could be grabbed by various levels of MBR
(extended) partitions. So the NetBSD disklabel would have 16 available to
it, the FreeBSD disklabel would have either 8 or 16 (depending on how many
they support and what exactly makes sense with what they do), the Windows
partitions would show up on their own, and the Linux ones (being MBR ones)
would also just show up.

So the idea is you'd have 63 as your limit.

> It seems nowadays disks are too large for me to resist the temptation
> of using them...

Digressing, how does that mean you need tons of (more than 63 in this
proposal :-) partitions? :-) Yes, with different OSs around, I can see
needing a home for each OS. But other than that, all the times I've been
clever and partitioned (what at the time seemed) a large disk, I end up
running out of space later since while I might have free space on the
different partitions, I don't have free space all in one place. ;-|

Take care,
