Subject: Re: Fork bomb protection patch
To: None <>
From: M. Warner Losh <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/06/2002 14:21:22
In message: <> (Greg A. Woods) writes:
: [ On Friday, December 6, 2002 at 01:11:46 (-0700), M. Warner Losh wrote: ]
: > Subject: Re: Fork bomb protection patch
: >
: > Actually, yes it is hard. I've cleaned up from several fork bombs and
: > you gotta get the right ps | grep | xargs kill right or the fork bomb
: > surives.
: It's really _not_ that hard. Back to sysadmin remedial class for you!
Fine, be an ass. You are denying reality. I'm done replying to this
thread. FreeBSD's hack works well enough that I don't need all the
crap and weird stuff that you say I need. It works well enough to
catch runaways that I can use sudo to kill them at my leasure. It
works well enough that runaways can run for a long time before people
notice that there's a problem. Want to have a big sysadmin slong,
fine, but don't tell me things I know to be false, OK?
I'm outta here.