Subject: Re: RelCache (aka ELF prebinding) news
To: Ty Sarna <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/02/2002 10:30:15 (Ty Sarna) writes:
> In article <>,
> Perry E. Metzger <> wrote:
> >
> > No. Thor is absolutely correct. There is no advantage to an MD5
> > checksum of the file over any random function yielding 128 bits if you
> > do not check the hash later on.
> So long as the "function yielding 128 bits" is truly a *function of the
> data*.
It does not need to be a function of the data because it is never
again checked against the data -- it is simply used as a unique identifier.
> A random number generator destroys the important property that
> identical source run through identical toolchain bits (which should
> include prebinding) produce identical files. Violating this property is
> a major PITA, especially for testing...
You do have a point there. OTOH, timestamps etc. in the ELF files
already violate this, as you noted.
Perry E. Metzger