Subject: RAIDframe: why are only "root" raidsets closed on reboot/halt?
To: None <>
From: Eric S. Hvozda <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/24/2002 01:30:44
I have recently discovered the joy of RAIDframe and used it to
further bullet-proof a few key machines.
However, I have noticed a some what annoying "feature".
Seemingly, only raidsets which are marked for auto-detection and
are the root raidset actually get closed on reboot/halt.
This is fairly annoying when building any storage system that
contains anything moderately complex.
Why is this?
Why not avoid the parity rebuild hit by actually closing all raidsets
or at least those that are marked as auto-detect? Further why not
close/unconfigure all "volume set" style devices (ie RAIDframe,
ccd, etc)?
This seems like a reasonable thing to do; but I wonder if someone
is already looking at it or someone needs to come forward and do
the work?
Questions, answers, discussion...?