Subject: Re: Beep on halt (definitive?)
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/20/2002 20:03:29
>>> machdep.beep.onhalt (number of times to beep when halting)
>>> machdep.beep.onhalt_pitch (the frequency)
>>> machdep.beep.onhalt_period (the duration)
>> I think that machdep.beep.onhalt.{count,pitch,duration}
>> would be better names.  

So do I, if only because they are more sensibly extensible to other
beeps in the future.

> Excuse me, but... "what's the point?"

> If you want to beep on halt, do it from a shutdown script in userland.

Have you read the whole thread?  Shutdown scripts are run too early: if
you power off when a shutdown script tells you to (eg, by beeping), you
risk powering off before shutdown is complete, with all the dangers
attendent thereon.

The point of machdep.beep.onhalt (or whatever it's called) is that it
tells you when it *is* safe to power off.  Not all machines have soft
power, y'know. :-)

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