Subject: Re: microtime
To: None <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/22/2002 13:41:02
At 08:23 PM 8/22/02 +0000, Somone Sean Quoted wrote:
>| What's more, Moore's Law is showing no signs of giving out.  It's not
>| going to be all that long before networking hardware can fit a whole
>| packet inside a nanosecond.

Maybe whomever wrote this can't read the signs. Not only is Gordon Moore's 
conjecture (he never said it was a law, just an observation) "slowing down" 
(have you checked your memory speed lately?) but the indications are that 
it won't gradually slow down, it will come to a halt until the next 
"miracle" occurs.

I'm under NDA with all the major CPU manufacturers, and attend the 
Microprocesor forum, and would really like to get a system that is 2x the 
speed of current systems, instead I'll have to settle for 50% and there is 
no confidence that I can see that the one after that will be even 15% faster.

This is one of the reasons everyone is trying to trump things with 
dedicated NPUs.
