Subject: kernel compile link error
To: None <>
From: Joe Reed <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/11/2002 00:47:19
i just `cvs update` 'd (from anoncvs) my /usr/src and recompiled. everything
compiled just fine but i got the following linker error:
ld -T ../../../../arch/i386/conf/kern.ldscript -Ttext c0100000 -e start -X -o
netbsd ${SYSTEM_OBJ} vers.o
init_sysent.o(.data+0x1004): undefined reference to `sys_pmc_get_info'
init_sysent.o(.data+0x1010): undefined reference to `sys_pmc_control'
i'm doing the build on netbsd-current (as of aug, 7th) i386.