Subject: Re: filesystem timezone
To: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
From: None <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/09/2002 09:54:17
>> (maybe i'm assuming i386, but anyway)
>> we're using GMT on RTC chip, as well as in-kernel clocks (struct
>> timeval time and such) when we use NetBSD. some filesystems
>> (like flashmemory removed from digital camera) have file
>> timestamps in different timezone (in my case, JST). so when i
>> mount it with mount_msdos, i will see file timestamps with 9
>> hours offset. i would like to see correct timestamps.
>> in what layer should we convert filesystem timezone? it should
>> be configurable, so i guess mount option makes the most sense.
>> (pardon me if i'm asking a dumb question, i'm not a
>> filesystem/vm guy)
>options(4), RTC_OFFSET, per chance?
that's only for configuring differences between RTC (clock chip) and
kernel clock (struct timeval time). it does not solve filesystem
time issue (IIRC).