Subject: fault address in signal handler
To: None <>
From: John R Towler <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/04/2002 17:53:59

	There was some mention of what might need to be done in order
to add SA_SIGINFO to the src tree (perhaps this is the wrong technical
term, there is a test for this in the new swi-prolog configure.  The
siginfo struct in OpenBSD contains a pointer to the information.)  My
interest is directed towards facilities which will help with Lisps and
Prologs, where there is some use for the page address of a page fault
apparently.  What, in addition to material on the uvm system, do I
need to begin reading in the src tree and affiliated literature in
order to begin to understand the issues involved and be in a position
to contribute rather than merely watching and waiting.  Thanks in

			John R. Towler