Subject: Re: sysctl vs. virtual filesystems.
To: None <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/21/2002 15:55:24
[ On Friday, June 21, 2002 at 10:27:31 (+0200), Jaromir Dolecek wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: Time to bump the default open files limit?
> I don't particularily like any further enhancements to /proc. /proc
> is hack which should die painful death.

Personally I think using sysctl for anything but reading and setting a
few simple system-wide integers, and maybe the odd string, is a horrible
hack which should die a painful death.  I have far more tools at my
disposal for dealing with things using the filesystem metaphor than I do
for using such ugly hacks as sysctl.

(Of course I'm not saying the current implementation of /proc is ideal
-- it does leave something to be desired in some places)

								Greg A. Woods

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