Subject: Re: support for Apple UFS in NetBSD
To: None <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/21/2002 11:41:00
On Fri, 21 Jun 2002, Darrin B. Jewell wrote:

> While working on this project at the MIT SIPB, I had the fortunate
> opportunity to discuss my approach with Ted Ts'o, who offered a
> suggestion for an alternate implementation.  Rather than select the
> DIRBLKSIZ for the entire filesystem, we could require only that if the
> current directory size is a multiple of 1024, then after any
> modification the new directory size is also a multiple of 1024.  We
> would also require that no single directory entry ever cross a 512
> byte boundary.  This would imply the possibility of having two empty
> directory entries to pad out a directory listing, but it is unlikely
> to bother any current implementations.  It would also mean that under
> normal operation the NetBSD kernel would slowly replace 512 byte
> directory entries with 1024 byte ones.  This option would require a
> much smaller change to the kernel, but has a greater impact on systems
> that have nothing to do with Apple UFS.  I am interested in hearing
> opinions on whether this would be a preferred route for NetBSD to
> take.

	Presumably a system with DIRBLKSIZ of 1024 would reuse any
	empty directory entries a NetBSD system had used to pad across
	a 512 byte boundary? So the NetBSD system could use
	entries that crossed a 512 byte boundary but would never write

	Also - what would happen on a system with a sector size of 2048?

	Thanks :)

		David/absolute		-- No hype required --