Subject: Re: patch for wscons scrolling
To: Gary Thorpe <>
From: Andy Isaacson <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/17/2002 12:52:32
I can't believe I'm getting sucked into this, but:

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 08:54:54PM -0400, Gary Thorpe wrote:
> I think scroll functionality should be put in wscons and let each port/arch 
> maintainers decide what keys it uses to as appropriate. I would think they 
> would know what the best keys/scan codes to use. I think just letting the 
> capability exist will be enough.
> Linux uses Shift+Pgkey, FreeBSd uses scroll lock: Shitf+Pgkey requires you 
> to HOLD a key down to scroll but is faster to use (and consistent with 
> xterm); Scroll lock is slower, but no holding involved (usefule when you 
> have to scroll back and forth over many lines). Is it possible to do both?

On my laptop (Vaio 505), the FreeBSD console scrolling keystrokes
require me to hold down a key labelled "Fn", then press "NumLk", then
use up-arrow and down-arrow to scroll.  It's incredibly annoying.  The
OpenBSD console uses the same shift-PgUp combo as Linux, and the Fn key
is right next to Shift, so it's very convenient.

The lower right corner of the keyboard looks like

  "    Enter==========
/    Shift  Up   Fn
Ctrl Left   Dn   Right

and Fn+Up/Dn keys give PgUp/PgDn.

I hope this thread dies quickly.  Obviously people want to be able to
scroll, and obviously having only one method is going to piss someone
off.  Please implement both scrolling methods, and provide a knob.
