Subject: Re: patch for wscons scrolling
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/13/2002 13:10:32
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[No need to email me privately if you're sending to the list as
well. I do read the mailing list.]

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 07:05:57PM +0200, David Ferlier wrote:
> I like both, but the hold screen + Pgup/down needs some more
> hacks cause once you holded the screen, you need to verify that
> wskbd_translate won't send two times the PgUp/down keycodes. That's
> not a problem, but it would be reasonable to chose only one method
> to scroll (anyone will suit).

Not that it's any reason to do the same thing, but just as a data
point, Linux uses shift-page {up,down} to scroll on their console.

gabriel rosenkoetter

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