Subject: Mount option to ignore case
To: None <tech-kern@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/29/2002 09:42:06
I think this has been discussed before, but nothing happened ;-)

I'd like to suggest we create a new mount option to make file name lookups
case insensitive. With this mount flag, file names would preserve their case,
but on lookup it would be ignored.

Some filesystems would force this flag (amigafs, msdosfs).
I vaguealy remember some PRs about i.e. msdosfs that would be magically
solved this way.

I know this is a problem with UTF8 filenames and non-ascii filenames in 
general. I have no idea how to solve that problem and would ignore it for
now (only implementing ASCII, or {happens to fit my neesds} iso-8859-1).

An example where I need this: I have a /mp3, mounted via NFS on another
NetBSD machine that also exports it via Samba. For this filesystem I'd
like to use this flag, to make it behave consistent for all clients.

Furthermore I think if we teach Samba about this flag, it would speed up
quite a bit.

