Subject: re: Damn Intel GigE
To: Darren Reed <>
From: matthew green <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/17/2002 00:11:43
   What about systems where Intel gear is integrated already?
   The more drivers we have, the bigger out potential market is in terms of
   customers.  It is in our best interests to have more drivers, whatever
   way we can, especially when it comes to competing with FreeBSD & OpenBSD.
   Right now, if someone has a GigE Intel card and wants to use *BSD, they
   CANNOT use NetBSD.  That is a problem (for us).

lets also not forget free hardware.

hands up who _hasn't_ ever got a bit of free hardware.
what?  no netbsd users haven't ever gotten free hardware?

shocking.  simply *shocking*.