Subject: Re: intel gige
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/14/2002 23:13:25
> > I doubt there are laws in *any* country that says [...]
> I'm not the one who chose to write "laws".  But I think "law" here
> meant not law in the sense of legislation but law in the sense of
> natural law.

widely known unwritten rules needed in every culture to exist

> > Do you get detailed descriptions of anything you can buy today?
> Mostly.
> > If you buy a new car, do you get a manual for the engine or the
> > electrical system?
> I damn well better, or I won't buy it.  (And if that means I'll never
> buy a new car, so be it.)

me too. i don't have car now but when buying i wouldn't buy these new once
with electronic-everything-without-full-description even if i would have
lot of money

> (b) If the Ethernet card conforms to an interface spec as widely known
>     and documented as that of bread, a simple note to that effect would
>     be sufficient (or not even that if, as with bread, all such devices
>     conformed to that spec) - but that can't be the case here, or Jason
>     wouldn't've needed to go NDA to write a driver.

yes. i think we should just ignore products we can't get programming docs
without restriction. no matter how good they are.