Subject: PROPOSAL: removal of brk()/sbrk().
To: None <,>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/25/2002 23:33:01
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Removal of the brk() and sbrk() interfaces, or actually: stop using the
break() system call for process heap.

	The "break" interface is a leftover from old times, and as so
	it may not interact wery well with newer memory allocators
	(i.e. mmap()). In our memory management implementation it also
	get the side effect that the allocated memory will span over
	a large address space, and for machines with one-level page
	tables it may result in lots of wasted space.

	Change malloc() et al to use mmap() instead of sbrk().
	The phk malloc used by us is changed to use mmap() instead in
	a version attached to this mail. (based on the 1.5 release
	of malloc.c, but updating it should be trivial).

	Change brk() and sbrk() to call and use mmap() instead of 
	"break". Preferably move them to libcompat, but it may be
	reasons for keeping them in libc. An mmap() implementation 
	of brk()/sbrk() is attached to this mail.

	Set sys_obreak() in kernel #ifdef COMPAT_15 and change start
	of mmap space calculation. Quite straightforward.

	Due to Klaus Klein those interfaces are not in any standard anymore.

Side effects:
	The compat code that uses "break" must be altered to have their
	own version.

	It is a good time to fix the data size limit checks.

	I have been running this on my workstation for a few months
	without discovering any problems.

I would like to commit this ASAP, but if 1.6 (or Fred or whatever it
is called) is likely to be cut soon it may be better to do it directly

-- Ragge

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=malloc.c
Content-Description: malloc.c
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/*	$NetBSD: malloc.c,v 1.32 2000/05/20 15:13:31 simonb Exp $	*/

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
 * <phk@FreeBSD.ORG> wrote this file.  As long as you retain this notice you
 * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
 * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.   Poul-Henning Kamp
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * From FreeBSD: malloc.c,v 1.43 1998/09/30 06:13:59 jb
#define	USE_MMAP
 * Defining MALLOC_EXTRA_SANITY will enable extra checks which are related
 * to internal conditions and consistency in malloc.c. This has a
 * noticeable runtime performance hit, and generally will not do you
 * any good unless you fiddle with the internals of malloc or want
 * to catch random pointer corruption as early as possible.

 * What to use for Junk.  This is the byte value we use to fill with
 * when the 'J' option is enabled.
#define SOME_JUNK	0xd0		/* as in "Duh" :-) */

 * The basic parameters you can tweak.
 * malloc_minsize	minimum size of an allocation in bytes.
 *			If this is too small it's too much work
 *			to manage them.  This is also the smallest
 *			unit of alignment used for the storage
 *			returned by malloc/realloc.

#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
#   if defined(__i386__)
#       define malloc_minsize		16U
#   endif
#   if defined(__alpha__)
#       define malloc_minsize		16U
#   endif
#   if !defined(__NETBSD_SYSCALLS)
#       define HAS_UTRACE
#   endif
     * Make malloc/free/realloc thread-safe in libc for use with
     * kernel threads.
#   include "libc_private.h"
#   include "spinlock.h"
    static spinlock_t thread_lock	= _SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER;
#   define THREAD_LOCK()		if (__isthreaded) _SPINLOCK(&thread_lock);
#   define THREAD_UNLOCK()		if (__isthreaded) _SPINUNLOCK(&thread_lock);
#endif /* __FreeBSD__ */

#if defined(__NetBSD__)
#   define malloc_minsize               16U
#endif /* __NetBSD__ */

#if defined(__sparc__) && defined(sun)
#   define malloc_minsize		16U
#   define MAP_ANON			(0)
    static int fdzero;
#   define MMAP_FD	fdzero
#   define INIT_MMAP() \
	{ if ((fdzero=open("/dev/zero", O_RDWR, 0000)) == -1) \
	    wrterror("open of /dev/zero"); }
#endif /* __sparc__ */

/* Insert your combination here... */
#if defined(__FOOCPU__) && defined(__BAROS__)
#   define malloc_minsize		16U
#endif /* __FOOCPU__ && __BAROS__ */

 * No user serviceable parts behind this point.
#include "namespace.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

 * This structure describes a page worth of chunks.

struct pginfo {
    struct pginfo	*next;	/* next on the free list */
    void		*page;	/* Pointer to the page */
    u_short		size;	/* size of this page's chunks */
    u_short		shift;	/* How far to shift for this size chunks */
    u_short		free;	/* How many free chunks */
    u_short		total;	/* How many chunk */
    u_int		bits[1]; /* Which chunks are free */

 * This structure describes a number of free pages.

struct pgfree {
    struct pgfree	*next;	/* next run of free pages */
    struct pgfree	*prev;	/* prev run of free pages */
    void		*page;	/* pointer to free pages */
    void		*end;	/* pointer to end of free pages */
    size_t		size;	/* number of bytes free */

 * How many bits per u_int in the bitmap.
 * Change only if not 8 bits/byte
#define	MALLOC_BITS	(8*sizeof(u_int))

 * Magic values to put in the page_directory
#define MALLOC_NOT_MINE	((struct pginfo*) 0)
#define MALLOC_FREE 	((struct pginfo*) 1)
#define MALLOC_FIRST	((struct pginfo*) 2)
#define MALLOC_FOLLOW	((struct pginfo*) 3)
#define MALLOC_MAGIC	((struct pginfo*) 4)

 * Page size related parameters, computed at run-time.
static size_t malloc_pagesize;
static size_t malloc_pageshift;
static size_t malloc_pagemask;

#ifndef malloc_minsize
#define malloc_minsize			16U

#ifndef malloc_maxsize
#define malloc_maxsize			((malloc_pagesize)>>1)

#define pageround(foo) (((foo) + (malloc_pagemask))&(~(malloc_pagemask)))
#define ptr2idx(foo) (((size_t)(foo) >> malloc_pageshift)-malloc_origo)

#define THREAD_LOCK()


#ifndef MMAP_FD
#define MMAP_FD (-1)

#ifndef INIT_MMAP
#define INIT_MMAP()

#ifndef MADV_FREE

/* Set when initialization has been done */
static unsigned malloc_started;	

/* Recusion flag for public interface. */
static int malloc_active;

/* Number of free pages we cache */
static unsigned malloc_cache = 16;

/* The offset from pagenumber to index into the page directory */
static size_t malloc_origo;

/* The last index in the page directory we care about */
static size_t last_idx;

/* Pointer to page directory. Allocated "as if with" malloc */
static struct	pginfo **page_dir;

#ifdef USE_MMAP
/* When using mmap we can't steal space for buckets from page dir */
static struct pginfo **chunk_bucket;

/* How many slots in the page directory */
static unsigned	malloc_ninfo;

/* Free pages line up here */
static struct pgfree free_list;

/* Abort(), user doesn't handle problems.  */
static int malloc_abort;

/* Are we trying to die ?  */
static int suicide;

/* always realloc ?  */
static int malloc_realloc;

/* pass the kernel a hint on free pages ?  */
static int malloc_hint = 0;

/* xmalloc behaviour ?  */
static int malloc_xmalloc;

/* sysv behaviour for malloc(0) ?  */
static int malloc_sysv;

/* zero fill ?  */
static int malloc_zero;

/* junk fill ?  */
static int malloc_junk;


/* utrace ?  */
static int malloc_utrace;

struct ut { void *p; size_t s; void *r; };

void utrace __P((struct ut *, int));

#define UTRACE(a, b, c) \
	if (malloc_utrace) \
		{struct ut u; u.p=a; u.s = b; u.r=c; utrace(&u, sizeof u);}
#else /* !HAS_UTRACE */
#define UTRACE(a,b,c)
#endif /* HAS_UTRACE */

#ifndef USE_MMAP
/* my last break. */
static void *malloc_brk;

/* one location cache for free-list holders */
static struct pgfree *px;

/* compile-time options */
char *malloc_options;

/* Name of the current public function */
static char *malloc_func;

/* Macro for mmap */
#define MMAP(size) \
	    MMAP_FD, (off_t)0);

 * Necessary function declarations
#ifndef USE_MMAP
static int extend_pgdir(size_t idx);
static void *imalloc(size_t size);
static void ifree(void *ptr);
static void *irealloc(void *ptr, size_t size);

extern char *__progname;

static void
wrterror(char *p)
    char *q = " error: ";
    write(STDERR_FILENO, __progname, strlen(__progname));
    write(STDERR_FILENO, malloc_func, strlen(malloc_func));
    write(STDERR_FILENO, q, strlen(q));
    write(STDERR_FILENO, p, strlen(p));
    suicide = 1;

static void
wrtwarning(char *p)
    char *q = " warning: ";
    if (malloc_abort)
    write(STDERR_FILENO, __progname, strlen(__progname));
    write(STDERR_FILENO, malloc_func, strlen(malloc_func));
    write(STDERR_FILENO, q, strlen(q));
    write(STDERR_FILENO, p, strlen(p));

 * Allocate a number of pages from the OS
#ifdef USE_MMAP
static void *
map_pages(size_t pages)
    struct pginfo **new_pgdir, **old_pgdir;
    size_t  new_pglen, old_pglen, old_last_idx;
    char    *begin_p;
    size_t  maybe_new_origo, end_idx, len;

    len = pages << malloc_pageshift;
    begin_p = MMAP(len);
    if (begin_p == (char *)-1) {
	wrterror("(ES): map_pages fails\n");
	return 0;

    maybe_new_origo = (size_t)begin_p >> malloc_pageshift;
    if (maybe_new_origo < malloc_origo) {
	 * We got pages ahead of our previously lowest
	 * mmap:ed region. This should normally not happen
	 * so we will not leave any slack at the beginning
	 * of the new page dir.
	old_last_idx = last_idx;
	last_idx += malloc_origo - maybe_new_origo;
	new_pglen = pageround(last_idx * sizeof *page_dir) + malloc_pagesize;
	old_pglen = malloc_ninfo * sizeof *page_dir;
	old_pgdir = page_dir;

	if (new_pglen == old_pglen) {
	     * The page_dir doesn't require new pages we just need to
	     * move the element a bit to reflect the change of origo.
	    memmove(page_dir + malloc_origo - maybe_new_origo,
		page_dir, old_last_idx);
	    malloc_origo = maybe_new_origo;
	    return begin_p;

	/* Allocate a new page dir */
	new_pgdir = (struct pginfo **)MMAP(new_pglen);
	if (new_pgdir == (struct pginfo **)-1) {
	    wrterror("(ES): map_pages fails\n");
	    munmap(begin_p, new_pglen);
	    return 0;

	/* Copy the old page dir */
	memcpy(new_pgdir + malloc_origo - maybe_new_origo,
	    page_dir, old_pglen);

	/* Register the new page dir, new size, and change the origo */
	malloc_ninfo = new_pglen / sizeof *page_dir;
	malloc_origo = maybe_new_origo;
	page_dir = new_pgdir;

	/* Free the old page dir */
	munmap(old_pgdir, old_pglen);
	return begin_p;

    end_idx = ptr2idx(begin_p + len);
    if (end_idx > last_idx) {
	 * We got pages behind our previously highest
	 * mmap:ed region.
	new_pglen = pageround(end_idx * sizeof *page_dir) + malloc_pagesize;
	old_pglen = malloc_ninfo * sizeof *page_dir;
	old_pgdir = page_dir;

	/* Allocate a new page dir */
	new_pgdir = (struct pginfo **)MMAP(new_pglen);
	if (new_pgdir == (struct pginfo **)-1) {
	    wrterror("(ES): map_pages fails\n");
	    munmap(begin_p, len);
	    return 0;

	/* Copy the old page dir */
	memcpy(new_pgdir, old_pgdir, old_pglen);

	/* Register the new page dir and new size */
	malloc_ninfo = new_pglen / sizeof *page_dir;
	page_dir = new_pgdir;
	last_idx = end_idx;

	/* Free the old page dir */
	munmap(old_pgdir, old_pglen);
    return begin_p;
static void *
map_pages(size_t pages)
    caddr_t result, tail;

    result = (caddr_t)pageround((size_t)sbrk(0));
    tail = result + (pages << malloc_pageshift);

    if (brk(tail)) {
	wrterror("(ES): map_pages fails\n");
	return 0;

    last_idx = ptr2idx(tail) - 1;
    malloc_brk = tail;

    if ((last_idx+1) >= malloc_ninfo && !extend_pgdir(last_idx))
	return 0;;

    return result;

 * Extend page directory
static int
extend_pgdir(size_t idx)
    struct  pginfo **new, **old;
    size_t newlen, oldlen;

    /* Make it this many pages */
    newlen = pageround(idx * sizeof *page_dir) + malloc_pagesize;

    /* remember the old mapping size */
    oldlen = malloc_ninfo * sizeof *page_dir;

     * NOTE: we allocate new pages and copy the directory rather than tempt
     * fate by trying to "grow" the region.. There is nothing to prevent
     * us from accidently re-mapping space that's been allocated by our caller
     * via dlopen() or other mmap().
     * The copy problem is not too bad, as there is 4K of page index per
     * 4MB of malloc arena.
     * We can totally avoid the copy if we open a file descriptor to associate
     * the anon mappings with.  Then, when we remap the pages at the new
     * address, the old pages will be "magically" remapped..  But this means
     * keeping open a "secret" file descriptor.....

    /* Get new pages */
    new = (struct pginfo**) MMAP(newlen);
    if (new == (struct pginfo **)-1)
	return 0;

    /* Copy the old stuff */
    memcpy(new, page_dir, oldlen);

    /* register the new size */
    malloc_ninfo = newlen / sizeof *page_dir;

    /* swap the pointers */
    old = page_dir;
    page_dir = new;

    /* Now free the old stuff */
    munmap(old, oldlen);
    return 1;

 * Initialize the world
static void
malloc_init (void)
    char *p, b[64];
    int i, j;
    int errnosave;

     * Compute page-size related variables.
    malloc_pagesize = (size_t)sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
    malloc_pagemask = malloc_pagesize - 1;
    for (malloc_pageshift = 0;
	 (1UL << malloc_pageshift) != malloc_pagesize;
	/* nothing */ ;


    malloc_junk = 1;

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
	if (i == 0) {
	    errnosave = errno;
	    j = readlink("/etc/malloc.conf", b, sizeof b - 1);
	    errno = errnosave;
	    if (j <= 0)
	    b[j] = '\0';
	    p = b;
	} else if (i == 1) {
	    p = getenv("MALLOC_OPTIONS");
	} else {
	    p = malloc_options;
	for (; p && *p; p++) {
	    switch (*p) {
		case '>': malloc_cache   <<= 1; break;
		case '<': malloc_cache   >>= 1; break;
		case 'a': malloc_abort   = 0; break;
		case 'A': malloc_abort   = 1; break;
		case 'h': malloc_hint    = 0; break;
		case 'H': malloc_hint    = 1; break;
		case 'r': malloc_realloc = 0; break;
		case 'R': malloc_realloc = 1; break;
		case 'j': malloc_junk    = 0; break;
		case 'J': malloc_junk    = 1; break;
		case 'u': malloc_utrace  = 0; break;
		case 'U': malloc_utrace  = 1; break;
		case 'v': malloc_sysv    = 0; break;
		case 'V': malloc_sysv    = 1; break;
		case 'x': malloc_xmalloc = 0; break;
		case 'X': malloc_xmalloc = 1; break;
		case 'z': malloc_zero    = 0; break;
		case 'Z': malloc_zero    = 1; break;
		    j = malloc_abort;
		    malloc_abort = 0;
		    wrtwarning("unknown char in MALLOC_OPTIONS\n");
		    malloc_abort = j;

    UTRACE(0, 0, 0);

     * We want junk in the entire allocation, and zero only in the part
     * the user asked for.
    if (malloc_zero)

     * If we run with junk (or implicitly from above: zero), we want to
     * force realloc() to get new storage, so we can DTRT with it.
    if (malloc_junk)

    /* Allocate one page for the page directory */
    page_dir = (struct pginfo **) MMAP(malloc_pagesize);

    if (page_dir == (struct pginfo **) -1)
	wrterror("mmap(2) failed, check limits.\n");

#ifdef USE_MMAP
     * We need a maximum of malloc_pageshift buckets, mmap 
     * a separate page for these. Use the result of the first
     * mmap we ever did for the malloc_origo. Map_pages() will
     * later change malloc_origo if needed.
    chunk_bucket = MMAP(pageround(malloc_pageshift *
			    sizeof (struct pginfo **)));
    if (chunk_bucket == (struct pginfo **) -1)
	wrterror("mmap(2) failed, check limits.\n");
    malloc_origo = (size_t)page_dir >> malloc_pageshift;
    last_idx = 0;
     * We need a maximum of malloc_pageshift buckets, steal these from the
     * front of the page_directory;
    malloc_origo = pageround((size_t)sbrk(0)) >> malloc_pageshift;
    malloc_origo -= malloc_pageshift;

    malloc_ninfo = malloc_pagesize / sizeof *page_dir;

    /* Recalculate the cache size in bytes, and make sure it's nonzero */

    if (!malloc_cache)

    malloc_cache <<= malloc_pageshift;

#ifdef USE_MMAP
    /* Do nothing */
     * This is a nice hack from Kaleb Keithly (
     * We can sbrk(2) further back when we keep this on a low address.
    px = (struct pgfree *) imalloc (sizeof *px);

    /* Been here, done that */

 * Allocate a number of complete pages
static void *
malloc_pages(size_t size)
    void *p, *delay_free = 0;
    int i;
    struct pgfree *pf;
    size_t idx;

    size = pageround(size);

    p = 0;

    /* Look for free pages before asking for more */
    for(pf =; pf; pf = pf->next) {

	if (pf->size & malloc_pagemask)
	    wrterror("(ES): junk length entry on free_list\n");
	if (!pf->size)
	    wrterror("(ES): zero length entry on free_list\n");
	if (pf->page == pf->end)
	    wrterror("(ES): zero entry on free_list\n");
	if (pf->page > pf->end) 
	    wrterror("(ES): sick entry on free_list\n");
#ifdef USE_MMAP
	if (ptr2idx(pf->page) >= last_idx)
	    wrterror("(ES): entry on free_list past last_idx\n");
	if ((void*)pf->page >= (void*)sbrk(0))
	    wrterror("(ES): entry on free_list past brk\n");
	if (page_dir[ptr2idx(pf->page)] != MALLOC_FREE) 
	    wrterror("(ES): non-free first page on free-list\n");
	if (page_dir[ptr2idx(pf->end)-1] != MALLOC_FREE)
	    wrterror("(ES): non-free last page on free-list\n");

	if (pf->size < size)

	if (pf->size == size) {
	    p = pf->page;
	    if (pf->next)
		    pf->next->prev = pf->prev;
	    pf->prev->next = pf->next;
	    delay_free = pf;

	p = pf->page;
	pf->page = (char *)pf->page + size;
	pf->size -= size;

    if (p && page_dir[ptr2idx(p)] != MALLOC_FREE)
	wrterror("(ES): allocated non-free page on free-list\n");

    size >>= malloc_pageshift;

    /* Map new pages */
    if (!p)
	p = map_pages(size);

    if (p) {

	idx = ptr2idx(p);
	page_dir[idx] = MALLOC_FIRST;
	for (i=1;i<size;i++)
	    page_dir[idx+i] = MALLOC_FOLLOW;

	if (malloc_junk)
	    memset(p, SOME_JUNK, size << malloc_pageshift);

    if (delay_free) {
	if (!px)
	    px = delay_free;

    return p;

 * Allocate a page of fragments

static __inline__ int
malloc_make_chunks(int bits)
    struct  pginfo *bp;
    void *pp;
    int i, k, l;

    /* Allocate a new bucket */
    pp = malloc_pages(malloc_pagesize);
    if (!pp)
	return 0;

    /* Find length of admin structure */
    l = offsetof(struct pginfo, bits[0]);
    l += sizeof bp->bits[0] *
	(((malloc_pagesize >> bits)+MALLOC_BITS-1) / MALLOC_BITS);

    /* Don't waste more than two chunks on this */
    if ((1<<(bits)) <= l+l) {
	bp = (struct  pginfo *)pp;
    } else {
	bp = (struct  pginfo *)imalloc((size_t)l);
	if (!bp) {
	    return 0;

    bp->size = (1<<bits);
    bp->shift = bits;
    bp->total = bp->free = malloc_pagesize >> bits;
    bp->page = pp;

    /* set all valid bits in the bitmap */
    k = bp->total;
    i = 0;

    /* Do a bunch at a time */
    for(;k-i >= MALLOC_BITS; i += MALLOC_BITS)
	bp->bits[i / MALLOC_BITS] = ~0U;

    for(; i < k; i++)
        bp->bits[i/MALLOC_BITS] |= 1<<(i%MALLOC_BITS);

    if (bp == bp->page) {
	/* Mark the ones we stole for ourselves */
	for(i=0;l > 0;i++) {
	    bp->bits[i/MALLOC_BITS] &= ~(1<<(i%MALLOC_BITS));
	    l -= (1 << bits);

    /* MALLOC_LOCK */

    page_dir[ptr2idx(pp)] = bp;

#ifdef USE_MMAP
    bp->next = chunk_bucket[bits];
    chunk_bucket[bits] = bp;
    bp->next = page_dir[bits];
    page_dir[bits] = bp;


    return 1;

 * Allocate a fragment
static void *
malloc_bytes(size_t size)
    size_t i;
    int j;
    u_int u;
    struct  pginfo *bp;
    int k;
    u_int *lp;

    /* Don't bother with anything less than this */
    if (size < malloc_minsize)
	size = malloc_minsize;

    /* Find the right bucket */
    j = 1;
    i = size-1;
    while (i >>= 1)

#ifdef USE_MMAP
    /* If it's empty, make a page more of that size chunks */
    if (!chunk_bucket[j] && !malloc_make_chunks(j))
	return 0;

    bp = chunk_bucket[j];
    /* If it's empty, make a page more of that size chunks */
    if (!page_dir[j] && !malloc_make_chunks(j))
	return 0;

    bp = page_dir[j];

    /* Find first word of bitmap which isn't empty */
    for (lp = bp->bits; !*lp; lp++)

    /* Find that bit, and tweak it */
    u = 1;
    k = 0;
    while (!(*lp & u)) {
	u += u;
    *lp ^= u;

    /* If there are no more free, remove from free-list */
    if (!--bp->free) {
#ifdef USE_MMAP
	chunk_bucket[j] = bp->next;
	page_dir[j] = bp->next;
	bp->next = 0;

    /* Adjust to the real offset of that chunk */
    k += (lp-bp->bits)*MALLOC_BITS;
    k <<= bp->shift;

    if (malloc_junk)
	memset((u_char*)bp->page + k, SOME_JUNK, (size_t)bp->size);

    return (u_char *)bp->page + k;

 * Allocate a piece of memory
static void *
imalloc(size_t size)
    void *result;

    if (suicide)

    if ((size + malloc_pagesize) < size)	/* Check for overflow */
	result = 0;
    else if (size <= malloc_maxsize)
	result =  malloc_bytes(size);
	result =  malloc_pages(size);

    if (malloc_abort && !result)
	wrterror("allocation failed.\n");

    if (malloc_zero && result)
	memset(result, 0, size);

    return result;

 * Change the size of an allocation.
static void *
irealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
    void *p;
    size_t osize, idx;
    struct pginfo **mp;
    size_t i;

    if (suicide)

#ifdef USE_MMAP
    if (((size_t)ptr >> malloc_pageshift) < malloc_origo) {
	wrtwarning("junk pointer, too low to make sense.\n");
	return 0;

    idx = ptr2idx(ptr);

#ifndef USE_MMAP
    if (idx < malloc_pageshift) {
	wrtwarning("junk pointer, too low to make sense.\n");
	return 0;

    if (idx > last_idx) {
	wrtwarning("junk pointer, too high to make sense.\n");
	return 0;

    mp = &page_dir[idx];

    if (*mp == MALLOC_FIRST) {			/* Page allocation */

	/* Check the pointer */
	if ((size_t)ptr & malloc_pagemask) {
	    wrtwarning("modified (page-) pointer.\n");
	    return 0;

	/* Find the size in bytes */
	for (osize = malloc_pagesize; *++mp == MALLOC_FOLLOW;)
	    osize += malloc_pagesize;

        if (!malloc_realloc && 			/* unless we have to, */
	  size <= osize && 			/* .. or are too small, */
	  size > (osize - malloc_pagesize)) {	/* .. or can free a page, */
	    return ptr;				/* don't do anything. */

    } else if (*mp >= MALLOC_MAGIC) {		/* Chunk allocation */

	/* Check the pointer for sane values */
	if (((size_t)ptr & ((*mp)->size-1))) {
	    wrtwarning("modified (chunk-) pointer.\n");
	    return 0;

	/* Find the chunk index in the page */
	i = ((size_t)ptr & malloc_pagemask) >> (*mp)->shift;

	/* Verify that it isn't a free chunk already */
        if ((*mp)->bits[i/MALLOC_BITS] & (1<<(i%MALLOC_BITS))) {
	    wrtwarning("chunk is already free.\n");
	    return 0;

	osize = (*mp)->size;

	if (!malloc_realloc &&		/* Unless we have to, */
	  size < osize && 		/* ..or are too small, */
	  (size > osize/2 ||	 	/* ..or could use a smaller size, */
	  osize == malloc_minsize)) {	/* ..(if there is one) */
	    return ptr;			/* ..Don't do anything */

    } else {
	wrtwarning("pointer to wrong page.\n");
	return 0;

    p = imalloc(size);

    if (p) {
	/* copy the lesser of the two sizes, and free the old one */
	if (!size || !osize)
	else if (osize < size)
	    memcpy(p, ptr, osize);
	    memcpy(p, ptr, size);
    return p;

 * Free a sequence of pages

static __inline__ void
free_pages(void *ptr, size_t idx, struct pginfo *info)
    size_t maybe_last_idx, i;
    struct pgfree *pf, *pt=0;
    size_t l;
    void *tail;

    if (info == MALLOC_FREE) {
	wrtwarning("page is already free.\n");

    if (info != MALLOC_FIRST) {
	wrtwarning("pointer to wrong page.\n");

    if ((size_t)ptr & malloc_pagemask) {
	wrtwarning("modified (page-) pointer.\n");

     * XXX for mmap we should munmap.
     * Count how many pages and mark them free at the same time
    page_dir[idx] = MALLOC_FREE;
    for (i = 1; page_dir[idx+i] == MALLOC_FOLLOW; i++)
	page_dir[idx + i] = MALLOC_FREE;

    l = i << malloc_pageshift;

    if (malloc_junk)
	memset(ptr, SOME_JUNK, l);

    if (malloc_hint)
	madvise(ptr, l, MADV_FREE);

    tail = (char *)ptr+l;

    /* add to free-list */
    if (!px)
	px = imalloc(sizeof *pt);	/* This cannot fail... */
    px->page = ptr;
    px->end =  tail;
    px->size = l;
    if (! {

	/* Nothing on free list, put this at head */
	px->next =;
	px->prev = &free_list; = px;
	pf = px;
	px = 0;

    } else {

	/* Find the right spot, leave pf pointing to the modified entry. */
	tail = (char *)ptr+l;

	for(pf =; pf->end < ptr && pf->next; pf = pf->next)
	    ; /* Race ahead here */

	if (pf->page > tail) {
	    /* Insert before entry */
	    px->next = pf;
	    px->prev = pf->prev;
	    pf->prev = px;
	    px->prev->next = px;
	    pf = px;
	    px = 0;
	} else if (pf->end == ptr ) {
	    /* Append to the previous entry */
	    pf->end = (char *)pf->end + l;
	    pf->size += l;
	    if (pf->next && pf->end == pf->next->page ) {
		/* And collapse the next too. */
		pt = pf->next;
		pf->end = pt->end;
		pf->size += pt->size;
		pf->next = pt->next;
		if (pf->next)
		    pf->next->prev = pf;
	} else if (pf->page == tail) {
	    /* Prepend to entry */
	    pf->size += l;
	    pf->page = ptr;
	} else if (!pf->next) {
	    /* Append at tail of chain */
	    px->next = 0;
	    px->prev = pf;
	    pf->next = px;
	    pf = px;
	    px = 0;
	} else {
	    wrterror("freelist is destroyed.\n");
#ifdef USE_MMAP
     * If the number of continous bytes is larger than malloc_cache
     * release "pf->size - malloc_cache" bytes.
     * What we should opt for is:
     * o prefer caching pages at low addresses
     * o not break up continuous pages unnecessarily
     * o not cache much more pages than we have promised
     * The code below will make sure that there never exists
     * more than "malloc_cache >> malloc_pageshift" continuous
     * pages.

    if (pf->size > malloc_cache) {
	 * Notice that the '>' above guarantees that
	 * the pf will always keep at least one page afterwards.

	maybe_last_idx = ptr2idx(pf->end);
	pf->end = (char *)pf->page + malloc_cache;
	munmap(pf->end, pf->size - malloc_cache);
	pf->size = malloc_cache;

	for (i = ptr2idx(pf->end); i < maybe_last_idx; i++)
	    page_dir[i] = MALLOC_NOT_MINE;

	if (maybe_last_idx == last_idx)
	    last_idx = ptr2idx(pf->end);

    /* Return something to OS ? */
    if (!pf->next &&				/* If we're the last one, */
      pf->size > malloc_cache &&		/* ..and the cache is full, */
      pf->end == malloc_brk &&			/* ..and none behind us, */
      malloc_brk == sbrk(0)) {			/* ..and it's OK to do... */

	 * Keep the cache intact.  Notice that the '>' above guarantees that
	 * the pf will always have at least one page afterwards.
	pf->end = (char *)pf->page + malloc_cache;
	pf->size = malloc_cache;

	malloc_brk = pf->end;

	idx = ptr2idx(pf->end);
	last_idx = idx - 1;

	for(i=idx;i <= last_idx;)
	    page_dir[i++] = MALLOC_NOT_MINE;

	/* XXX: We could realloc/shrink the pagedir here I guess. */
    if (pt)

 * Free a chunk, and possibly the page it's on, if the page becomes empty.

static __inline__ void
free_bytes(void *ptr, size_t idx, struct pginfo *info)
    size_t i;
    struct pginfo **mp;
    void *vp;

    /* Find the chunk number on the page */
    i = ((size_t)ptr & malloc_pagemask) >> info->shift;

    if (((size_t)ptr & (info->size-1))) {
	wrtwarning("modified (chunk-) pointer.\n");

    if (info->bits[i/MALLOC_BITS] & (1<<(i%MALLOC_BITS))) {
	wrtwarning("chunk is already free.\n");

    if (malloc_junk)
	memset(ptr, SOME_JUNK, (size_t)info->size);

    info->bits[i/MALLOC_BITS] |= 1<<(i%MALLOC_BITS);

#ifdef USE_MMAP
    mp = chunk_bucket + info->shift;
    mp = page_dir + info->shift;

    if (info->free == 1) {

	/* Page became non-full */

#ifdef USE_MMAP
	mp = chunk_bucket + info->shift;
	mp = page_dir + info->shift;
	/* Insert in address order */
	while (*mp && (*mp)->next && (*mp)->next->page < info->page)
	    mp = &(*mp)->next;
	info->next = *mp;
	*mp = info;

    if (info->free != info->total)

    /* Find & remove this page in the queue */
    while (*mp != info) {
	mp = &((*mp)->next);
	if (!*mp)
		wrterror("(ES): Not on queue\n");
    *mp = info->next;

    /* Free the page & the info structure if need be */
    page_dir[idx] = MALLOC_FIRST;
    vp = info->page;		/* Order is important ! */
    if(vp != (void*)info) 

static void
ifree(void *ptr)
    struct pginfo *info;
    size_t idx;

    /* This is legal */
    if (!ptr)

#ifdef USE_MMAP
    if (((size_t)ptr >> malloc_pageshift) < malloc_origo) {
	warnx("ptr >> malloc_pageshift (%llu) < malloc_origo (%llu)",
	    (long long unsigned)((size_t)ptr >> malloc_pageshift),
	    (long long unsigned)malloc_origo);
	wrtwarning("junk pointer, too low to make sense.\n");

    if (!malloc_started) {
	wrtwarning("malloc() has never been called.\n");

    /* If we're already sinking, don't make matters any worse. */
    if (suicide)

    idx = ptr2idx(ptr);

#ifndef USE_MMAP
    if (idx < malloc_pageshift) {
	wrtwarning("junk pointer, too low to make sense.\n");

    if (idx > last_idx) {
	wrtwarning("junk pointer, too high to make sense.\n");

    info = page_dir[idx];

    if (info < MALLOC_MAGIC)
        free_pages(ptr, idx, info);
	free_bytes(ptr, idx, info);

 * These are the public exported interface routines.

void *
malloc(size_t size)
    register void *r;

    malloc_func = " in malloc():";
    if (malloc_active++) {
	wrtwarning("recursive call.\n");
	return (0);
    if (!malloc_started)
    if (malloc_sysv && !size)
	r = 0;
	r = imalloc(size);
    UTRACE(0, size, r);
    if (r == NULL && (size != 0 || !malloc_sysv)) {
	if (malloc_xmalloc)
	    wrterror("out of memory.\n");
	errno = ENOMEM;
#if 0
    warnx("malloc: page idx of %p is %llu", r, (long long unsigned)ptr2idx(r));
    return (r);

free(void *ptr)
    malloc_func = " in free():";
    if (malloc_active++) {
	wrtwarning("recursive call.\n");
    } else {
	UTRACE(ptr, 0, 0);

void *
realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
    register void *r;

    malloc_func = " in realloc():";
    if (malloc_active++) {
	wrtwarning("recursive call.\n");
	return (0);
    if (ptr && !malloc_started) {
	wrtwarning("malloc() has never been called.\n");
	ptr = 0;
    if (!malloc_started)
    if (malloc_sysv && !size) {
	r = 0;
    } else if (!ptr) {
	r = imalloc(size);
    } else {
        r = irealloc(ptr, size);
    UTRACE(ptr, size, r);
    if (r == NULL && (size != 0 || !malloc_sysv)) {
	if (malloc_xmalloc)
	    wrterror("out of memory.\n");
	errno = ENOMEM;
    return (r);

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=break.c
Content-Description: break.c
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#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>

static int inited;
static char *first, *cur, *last;

 * Emulate brk/sbrk calls with mmap().
 * When any of the functions are called the first time, allocate some
 * memory that can be administered by subsequent calls.
 * Allocate max soft data size/2 to get some memory, which size is
 * not especially important. brk and sbrk are allowed to fail at any time.
static int
	struct rlimit rl;

	if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_DATA, &rl) < 0)
		return -1;

	if ((first = mmap(0, rl.rlim_cur/2, PROT_EXEC|PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
		return -1;

	last = first + rl.rlim_cur/2;
	cur = first;

	return 0;

brk(void *addr)
	if (inited == 0)
		if (brkinit())
			return -1;

	if ((char *)addr > last) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		return -1;
	if ((char *)addr < first)
		addr = first;
	cur = addr;
	return 0;

void *
sbrk(intptr_t incr)
	char *oaddr;

	if (inited == 0)
		if (brkinit())
			return ((void *)-1);

	oaddr = cur;
	if ((cur + incr) > last) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		return ((void *)-1);
	cur += incr;
	if (cur < first)
		cur = first;
	return oaddr;
