Subject: Re: linux compat kernel version (was: CVS commit: syssrc/sys/compat/linux)
To: Christos Zoulas <>
From: Jaromir Dolecek <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/16/2002 11:34:51
Christos Zoulas wrote:
> On Feb 16,  3:36am, (Frank van der Linden) wrote:
> -- Subject: Re: linux compat kernel version (was: CVS commit: syssrc/sys/comp
> Is that all there is missing? Try running jdk-1.4.0... It dies long
> before it gets any signals....

Maybe there is something else too. But linuxthreads tries to use
RT queued signals when kernel version > 2.0.48, and we don't support them
yet. So, very likely _any_ Linux app using threads is now broken with
your change.

Jaromir Dolecek <>
-=  Those who would give up liberty for a little temporary safety deserve  =-
-=  neither liberty nor safety, and will lose both.  -- Benjamin Franklin  =-