Subject: Re: old SCSI devices that don't support INQUIRY
To: Matthew Fredette <fredette@MIT.EDU>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/26/2001 22:46:13
On Mon, Nov 26, 2001 at 03:52:02PM -0500, Matthew Fredette wrote:
> Hi.  I just committed some changes that were discussed in this thread
> back in September - changes to allow use (especially on sun2) of old
> SASI/SCSI-1 interposer boards that don't understand INQUIRY.

Hum, I'm sorry I don't remember this at all. But I was really busy in
september. I'll go look at the archives.

> The full fix requires code that "conjures up" a response to a failed
> INQUIRY.  I followed what I thought was the best suggestion from
> earlier in the thread and I wrapped the conjuring code (found in
> dev/scsi/scsipi_base.c) in one #ifdef sun2.  
> While the MD #ifdef in MI code does bother me, I decided to go with it
> because that's a real good place to put that code, it's short, and I
> was hesitant to enable it for everybody.

Could such a device be connected to something else than a sun2 ?
If so maybe someone else may want this too, and a kernel option
would be better ?

Manuel Bouyer <>