Subject: Question on mounting
To: None <>
From: Ferry Sutanto <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/12/2001 14:50:32
Hi All,

I post a question last night reading curproc is equal
to NULL, and I have figured out what happen.

Now, I have another question. 

I have a netbsd system which has microdrive slot and I
have modified the kernel to recognize the interrupt
when the micro drive is inserted/removed. The device
got attached / detached correctly (I think) ... Now, I
want to know if I can mount when the drive is inserted
and umount the drive is removed within the kernel.
Does anybody have any suggestion ? I was thinking
using the ffs_mount API, but not sure if that is the
right thing to do. If anybody can shed some light, I
appreciate it.



PS: If this is not the right place for my netbsd
kernel question, please point me to the right place.

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