Subject: Re: libsa/loadfile.c (a.out not working)
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/16/2001 11:06:43
I said:
> 1) aout_exec() seems to load files non-zero entry point at the wrong
>    address. A kernel with a_entry of 0x2e00 loads at address 0x2e00,
>    with its entry point at 0x5c00 !

Jason reported:
> If this were true, the i386 port wouldn't work.  But I'd need to look
> at the code again and get my head wrapped around it to figure out how
> to make your booter work.

	Basically, I do something this:

u_long	buff,
if ( loadfile("netbsd.aout", kVec, COUNT_KERNEL) == 1 )

buff = calloc(kVec[MARK_MAX], 1);
if ( ! buff )

kVec[MARK_START] = buff;

if ( loadfile("netbsd.aout", kVec, LOAD_KERNEL) == 1 )

	a_entry of netbsd.aout is 0x2e00. A dump of buff reveals the
first 0x2e12 bytes to be zero. MARK_ENTRY points to buff + 0x2e00.

| Nigel Pearson, | "Reality is that which,   |
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