Subject: Re: Faster pipes from FreeBSD
To: Ben Harris <>
From: Jaromír <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/06/2001 20:02:11
Ben Harris wrote:
> At the moment, our pipes are implemented as Unix-domain sockets.  Would it
> be possible (or a good idea) to implement SOCK_STREAM Unix-domain sockets
> using this new pipe infrastructure?

I don't think it's a good idea. SOCK_STREAM supports lots
of additional stuff we really don't want to stuff down pipe's throat
(like ucred passing).

> There's a lot of code there.  I hope it'll stay optional (or end up
> replacing even more code we've already got).

Well, surely the new pipe implementation is "bigger" than the 
old (the old one does only little more than socketpair(2) call).
It probably could stay optional, though the default should
be the faster ones, of course.

Jaromir Dolecek <>
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