Subject: Re: Faster pipes from FreeBSD
To: None <>
From: Ben Harris <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/06/2001 15:56:51
In article <> you write:
>I've made a stab at porting the FreeBSD sys_pipe() implementation to
>NetBSD (that implementation was written by John S. Dyson). The
>basics are finished, the thing works quite nicely and indeed about
>1.5-7x faster than out current pipes (wow!).

A couple of things that come to mind:

At the moment, our pipes are implemented as Unix-domain sockets.  Would it
be possible (or a good idea) to implement SOCK_STREAM Unix-domain sockets
using this new pipe infrastructure?

There's a lot of code there.  I hope it'll stay optional (or end up
replacing even more code we've already got).

Ben Harris                                                   <>
Portmaster, NetBSD/arm26               <URL:>