Subject: Re: 'machine' DDB command
To: Jaromír Dolecek <>
From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
List: tech-kern
Date: 01/18/2001 11:43:23
| Well, probably the DDB code should be rearranged a little
| to make db_machine_commands_install() unnecessary ?

I think we'd like to retain the flexibility of dynamically adding
machine commands (or other subsystem commands).

| Probably the most simple solution is to mandate the data have to
| be in db_machine_command_table[], change the entry in
| db_command.c:db_command_table[] to:
| 	  { "machine",    NULL,                   0, db_machine_command_table },
| #endif
| and g/c db_machine_commands_install(). This would also eliminate
| need to glue in the table on boot (and allow the tables to be const).

What's the advantage of making the table const? You're making it sound
like an end rather than a means.
