Subject: Re: _KERNEL_foo
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/13/2000 13:06:38
On 13 Dec 2000, Chris G. Demetriou wrote:

# (Things that come to mind recently have been the line discipline
# changes, and the watchdog interface.  The latter, especially, annoys
# me, because (1) as far as I can tell, it simply wasn't discussed; (2)
# as you'll see if you read the ex post facto discussion here, from
# people who've been playing with watchdogs for a while, it's simply not
# sufficient.)

1)	WHAT line discipline changes?  (Subject, please?)

2)	Watchdog interface?  I remember something about a kernel-userland
	watchdog interface a while back, but nothing came of it, at least
	not publicly.  There was some discussion, but no final decision.
	I don't remember any discussion whatsoever on ldisc issues.

But, FWIW, I would agree that anything that an ident would provide a
definition for should be prepended with something, such as "K_" or some
such.  He's already solved the problem that "...anything ! isalnum() is
replaced with '_'", so that's pretty much a non-issue...

# You, as someone in a position of authority in the project, should, as
# far as i'm concerned, be using your participation to forward the goals
# of the project.  That should be to foster discussion, to encourage
# technically correct, well thought out changes, etc.  That's not what
# your message did; it basically tried to slap down discussion that you
# agreed with about an ill-conceived, inadequately-discussed change to
# the source tree that you happen to be fairly fond of.
# Bad form.

...though probably not the only instance of bad form...

# cgd

Speaking of furthering the project, does anyone have access to those
monster IBM boxes that are touting 100+ Linux servers in a single
machine so that we might port NetBSD to one, or has that been done

*BSD: Multi-platform OS