Subject: Re: Where/how is rootvp set in kernel initialisation?
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/21/2000 16:13:40
Chris G. Demetriou wrote:
> Colin Wood <> writes:
> > certainly, but there still remains one rather tiny problem before sysinst
> > is truly useful on mac68k:  native HFS support.
> that reminds me: is there some great technical hurdle standing in the
> way of that?

not that i know of.  the authors of the various GPL'd implementations
might be better people to ask.  actually, i think that dr. bill and paul
goyette might have been working on a more usable version at one point, but
i don't quite remember now.

the biggest issue is most likely time and effort.  a lot of both will
probably be needed.
> IIRC, HFS (and MFS) were adequately described in the old Inside
> Macintosh volumes (which i happen to own copies of -- before i found
> this whole UNIX thing, i used to be a mac hacker 8-).

are you volunteering chris? ;-P
