Subject: Re: How to protect pool operations from interrupts ?
To: None <>
From: Zdenek Salvet <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/12/2000 20:32:52
> Hello,
> it seems that pool_get(), pool_put() etc. are protected from concurrent
> kernel threads with simple_lock(). But simple_lock does does nothing
> in !MULTIPROCESSOR case and does not block any interrupts.
Oops, disregard the following paragraph, I have made a mistake.
m_freem is protected, general pool question remains though ...
> I have seen the following scenario:
> arpresolve()
> m_freem()
> -interrupt-
> tulip...intr()
> -crash-
> Should we protect each m_freem() called from code running with lower spl
> ( s=splnet();m_freem();splx(s) ) or should pool protect itself like
> malloc()/free() do ?
> How about non-mbuf pools ?
Zdenek Salvet
Ustav vypocetni techniky Masarykovy univerzity, Brno
tel.: ++420-5-41 512 257 fax: ++420-5-41 212 747
God isn't dead, He's just trying to avoid the draft.