Subject: Re: UserKernelConfig (PR 10057)
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 05/09/2000 08:00:57
> 	However, I think 2nd and 3rd part should be solved like bsdi did:
> 	- /boot reads in /etc/boot.default, which is a plaintext file
> 	  that contain directives to tweak locator table (like "disable ne2")

Most of this UKC looks like a Good Thing to me.  But this part of
it...well, let's just say I'd really hope that there's a way to be
prompted for the name of this file (perhaps if RB_ASKNAME?), and a way
to suppress it entirely (perhaps by asking for "none"?).  Files in
magic locations tend to be a Bad Thing - especially if, when corrupt,
they can totally screw the boot process.

					der Mouse

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