Subject: Re: new sysctl(KERN_PROC, ...) interface (was: sysinfo(2))
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Darren Reed <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/19/2000 23:47:16
In some email I received from Simon Burge, sie wrote:
> Eduardo Horvath wrote:
> > On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, Simon Burge wrote:
> >
> > > 3) Need the size of "char **" for same reasons as 2).
> > >
> > > Is there an easy way to tell if a process is a 32 or 64 bit process?
> >
> > No. But I added a P_32 flag to the proc struct to indicate that a process
> > is running under 32-bit emulation.
> So for the 32 bit emul case, you'd need to know the possibility that
> you might be running under emulation, which isn't really possible (eg,
> mips ps today, with mips64 maybe occuring one day). But if we stored
> the kernel's idea of the pointer size and looking at P_32 if the pointer
> size is 8 bytes then we should be able to cover all possibilities...
I don't see anything in Solaris7 but HP-UX 11.0 has the following
for sysconf():
HW_32_64_CAPABLE _SC_HW_32_64_CAPABLE Returns which kernel is supported
on the hardware. The value returned
is an encoding which may be
interpreted using the
defined in unistd.h. Example:
long ret = sysconf(_SC_HW_32_64_CAPABLE);
if (_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_ILP32OS(ret) != 0) {
/* system supports 32-bit OS */
if (_SYSTEM_SUPPORTS_LP64OS(ret) != 0) {
/* system supports 64-bit OS */
KERNEL_BITS _SC_KERNEL_BITS Returns the number of bits used by
the kernel for pointer and long
data types. Current values include
32 and 64.
And then, whilst running under a 32bit kernel (8000/900/D390):
# getconf HW_32_64_CAPABLE
# getconf KERNEL_BITS
with a 64bit kernel (8000/900/D390):
# getconf HW_32_64_CAPABLE
# getconf KERNEL_BITS