Subject: Re: How do I create a include-file to match my new syscall? (fwd)
To: Andrew Brown <>
From: Espen Jorde; IFI; H97 <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/09/2000 15:10:52
Andrew Brown <> writes:

> >> Can anybody give me a hint on where I should look? Which directory
> >> should I put my .h file for it to compile correctly and end up in
> >> /usr/include. How should my .h file look. Any good examples?
> >
> >Have a look at src/lib/libc, it contains all the stubs for system calls
> >(plus a lot of other stuff :-).
> i actually did this last year for some silly reason.  :)
> here's what was suggested to me as a reference
> and what i actually ended up doing

Could somone possibly give me a short introduction to what "stubs" really
are and how I might write one.

When i look in /usr/src/lib/libc/sys all i find is .2 files wich
looks very much like files used to create manfiles to me. Am i missing
something vital? There is some .c files there, but nearly enough for
all the syscalls.

> -- 
> |-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|
>             * "ah!  i see you have the internet
> (Andrew Brown)                that goes *ping*!"
>       * "information is power -- share the wealth."


*********** Espen Jorde ****************************************************
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