Subject: Re: itimer, pthreads, and checkpointing
To: Michael Graff <>
From: John F. Woods <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/16/1999 13:10:53
> > I am about to embark on porting a threaded Windows application to
> > linux. I would really rather port it to NetBSD.  If there's any help
> > you can usefully accept, I'm offering to help out.

> What bits are missing to get it to work under NetBSD?

As of the last time I looked into this, everything, since I last looked into
this just after 1.4 came out ;-).  I'm setting up a -current system in my
office, so I'll check out whether -current has enough functioning to do
development on, but what I need is:

*) fully functioning pthreads (I want to use pthreads so that the work is 
portable between "unix" implementations)
*) a fully threaded standard C library, especially including I/O (hence
the 1.4 pthread implementation isn't good enough)

I think I've lost track of what issue started this thread ;-), but if it
was timers for threads:  studying the freeze-dried remains of my earlier
linux port, I find that I had to do amazing and unreliable kludgery to get
a half-baked timer scheme running under RedHat 5.2 (whatever underlying linux
that corresponds to); I'd be *HIGHLY* motivated to help out with a reliable
and standards-based timer implementation.