Subject: Re: PROPOSAL: API for environmental sensors
To: None <>
From: Bill Squier <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/10/1999 19:23:05
In message <>, Allen Briggs writes:
>Cool.  I think this is something that needs to be done, and I'm glad to
>see that someone's working on it.  Like Matt Jacob, I'm interested in
>seeing this extensible to SAF-TE and the SES.  Unlike Matt Jacob (I
>expect), I know very little about these yet (I'm just getting into
>them for a project that I hope to see come to fruition in the next 6
>months or so).

I'm still unable to retrieve the SAF-TE bits.  Is it accurate (Matt?)
to say that what is being advocated is to make ENVSYS 1.0 return data
and accept configuration in an SES-like manner? (i.e., every device must
accept SES commands and return results using the data structures described in

To be honest, we weren't being that ambitious.  The API has the lmXX
series chips in mind-- a blob of registers hooked up to an ADC.

>I'd actually like something even more universal, though, instead of
>having different spaces for each device (as in audio), I'd like to
>see a unified view of all of the environmental sensors available in
>the system.  If the device can register with a locator, it could be
>something analagous to the bus/device system or even a filesystem:
>	mainbus0/cpu0
>		temp (value)
>		fanspeed (value)
> [...snip...]

Many environmental sensors have no idea what physical phenomenon is
attached to a particular ADC.  This sort of structuring is necessarily
provided by userland.

One imagines this API driving a systat-like program; polling the devices
which support ENVSYS 1.0 at regular intervals and using the strings
associated with each sensor as a column heading.  Devices which are aware
of what physical phenomena are attached to a register will provide
reasonable default strings; for the others, a userland configuration
utility to load the strings at boot time can be provided.

>I'd also like to see a general extension for this to include kernel
>events firing on reception of interrupts of various types.

Agreed, but we currently don't have kernel events.  This sort of thing
can be accomplished by a userland daemon however, as you suggested.
