Subject: Re: partition bookkeeping
To: Greywolf <>
From: Oleg Polyanski <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/23/1999 09:08:22
>>>>> "G" == Greywolf writes:
G> # Consider my disk has name `sd0' (because it was detected first during
G> # the kernel booting). Later I will add ZIP drive and IT will get the
G> # name `sd0' and hard disk will become `sd1'. Bad surprise, manual
G> # intervention required. Something like `/dev/scsi/dsk/c0d0p0' as root
G> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
G> AAAUUUUGGGHHHHHHHH! -------------------'
G> /me smacks head against brick wall
G> "Can't sleep, clowns will eat me....can't sleep, clowns will eat me..."
G> Are we going to continue dumbing down this thing, or what? I agree
G> that we will need a /dev/disk or something similar directory, but
G> I do NOT think that we should go further down than that -- it's just too
G> cumbersome. /dev/$BUSTYPE/$PERIPHTYPE/cXtXpX is just fscking
G> ludicrous. Not to mention, hard to type repetitively (and I've
G> had to do that).
G> If you're worried about devices switching locations, WIRE DOWN YOUR
G> DAMNED DEVICES and be *done* with it. [Profuse apologies here
Your forgot about `the human factor'.
G> for assuming that everyone uses source -- I'm sure that this is
G> a patent lie; nonetheless, I find it hard to believe that there
G> are that many people incapable of compiling a new kernel for reasons
G> of disk space.]
G> As far as the root device goes, using Ignatios' idea of mounting /kern and
G> referencing /kern/rootdev as a valid device makes a WHOLE lot of sense.
G> You'll at least be able to put yourself back together without too much
G> grief.
G> Should we (do we?) have a peripheral scanner which will configure
G> a kernel with wired down devices followed by the generic devices
G> and (optionally) attempt a rebuild?
I think we really need it. Without peripheral scanner that maps
current hardware hierarchy into kernel and file system any new disk
naming scheme is unnatural.
G> If we don't, is someone already working on it?
G> If nobody's working on it, I'll be glad to take a stab at it...
I will glad to help/cooperate.
G> # fs unique identifier will help.