Subject: re: sys/lib/libsa: Cleanup and making stuff "smaller".
To: matthew green <>
From: Krister Walfridsson <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/23/1999 08:55:08
On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, matthew green wrote:

>    Cool.  -Os reduced the code size from 7584 bytes to 7520 bytes (saving
>    64 bytes), but adding -fno-gcse after that increased code size by 16
>    bytes.
> is this surprising?  i mean, the E in GSCE is *elimination*...

Yes, but egcs is using "Partial Redundance Elimination" (PRE) when doing
GCSE, and that tend to increase the code size to improve the runtime

But I just checked the documentation. -Os disables PRE and does
"classic GCSE" instead, so you are right. It isn't surprising that
-fno-gcse increases the size slightly.
