Subject: Re: Overlooked/ignored PRs
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 01/05/1999 00:57:33
> The problem is that we don't have enough people handling pr's. We
> really *want* to handle the PRs faster than we do -- we just aren't
> always the best at it. It isn't any desire to neglect them, believe
> me. It is just a lack of volunteer labor.

Please give more detail.

Is it a lack of people with both commit access and the time to process
PR's which already contain good patches?

Is it a lack of people with the time to analyze existing PR's and work up
good patches for them?


These questions are important because we've already established that people
in the first category must "earn their wings" before getting commit access,
so it takes more time to ramp them up.

And we have two recent volunteers for the latter category (I think), but
they must also be interested in seeing volunteers in the first category,
because it means that their work goes into the tree promptly.

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @