Subject: Re: userid partitioned swap spaces.
To: NetBSD Kernel Technical Discussion List <>
From: Lucio de Re <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/18/1998 09:11:49
According to Jukka Marin:
> Umm.. I'm just thinking of the situation where I have a server 400 km from
> here, running out of swap and only allowing new root processes to run..
> and the systems I configure never allow root logins from network.. so I
> can't log in to kill the memory hogs.. ;-)  It would help if I could
> allow some user like "operator" to have the same memory allocation
> privileges as root, so I could log in, su to root and kill something.
If one _could_ have something like kibitz reach out and page you, the 
400km are no longer a big deal :-)  That is not entirely out of the 
question, with some careful thinking.

> But if the killer process does its job well, this is not necessary..
I think merely suspending any further process loading until swap space 
returns below the low-water mark would be less intrusive, but that's 
merely a policy that can be tuned to local conditions.
