Subject: Re: New IDE control program & changed to apmd
To: None <>
From: John Kohl <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/20/1998 07:54:20
>>>>> "JS" == Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU> writes:
JS> For instance, i'd really like to see APM integrated with PCMCIA so
JS> that one can, for instance, configure PCMCIA NICs to go into ``sleep
JS> mode'' (or poweroff) if you go onto battery power, and powering them
JS> up if you go onto mains power. And similar tricks if you have a
JS> multi-homed laptop.
Even more than that, we *have* to integrate pcmcia socket control with
APM. Some laptops drop power to PCMCIA sockets at suspend time, meaning
you lose when you resume from sleep unless you've turned all the cards
off by hand (just now possible with Jason's tweaks in -current).
It's been on my list for a long time to sit down ad figure out a
proposal for better cooperation between pcmcia and apm. Real Life(tm)
has intruded (e.g. I'm engaged and planning a wedding for next fall),
and I'm not likely to get around to this anytime soon.
If anybody out there wants to step up and propose a design, take
comments, and implement it, I won't feel slighted about not getting to
do it myself!
==John Kohl <>, <>
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