Subject: Re: Config ...
To: Eduardo E. Horvath <>
From: Stefan Grefen <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/21/1998 21:26:27
In message <Pine.GSO.3.95.980821093705.5035E-100000@jericho> "Eduardo E. Horvath" wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Aug 1998, Stefan Grefen wrote:
> > I don't see the problem, I would create the device-name during probe/attach
> > (I know it means reading the label of a disk very early and polled).
> > Mountroot will be happy. (this solves also the problem with scsi-id's lower
> > then roots which may be there or not ...)
> This works well on SCSI buses where you have a half dozen devices at most.
> On a fibre with 1000s of disks reading disklabels suddenly becomes quite
> expensive.
You have to read the label sometimes anyway if you want to open it.
Maybe thats why we should handle unique device-ID and disk names
seperatly, as the label trick wouldn't work when only the rawdisk is used.
If you have to probr 1000+ disk,s you've to change to probe procedure
to run it in parallel else you won't finish for a long time.
Reading the labels than wouldn't add to much time to the whole procedure.
This doesn't work on a SCSI-bus though (and didn't work on IPI as Convex found
out when the NASA complained that there big-disk array probed way to long ..)
> =========================================================================
> Eduardo Horvath
> "I need to find a pithy new quote." -- me
Stefan Grefen Tandem Computers Europe Inc. High Performance Research Center
--- Hacking's just another word for nothing left to kludge. ---